Category: Writing Advice

How to Read to Improve Your Writing

Not everything you read will make you a better writer. By following these five tips and tricks you can use your reading time to improve your craft and get closer to your dreams of becoming a published author.

The Dialogue Tag Controversy

They said there was a right way to write dialogue tags. Then they screamed that there wasn’t. The truth about this highly controversial topic lies somewhere in between. Here are our tips and tricks for writing strong conversations, however you choose to tag them.

21 Questions to Ask Your Character

The key to writing engaging, hard-to-forget characters is to truly get to know them before you even begin plotting your story. Here are 21 questions to help you get there.

Writing 101: Show Don’t Tell Basics

Most writers know about the concept of “show don’t tell” but many still struggle to put it to use in their own writing. Here, we’ll give you some easy tips to help improve your “show” skills.

5 Questions Create a Character

Engaging characters entrance your readers and suck them into their world. These 5 questions will help you create interesting, believable, and relatable characters that will have your readers hooked on every word.

Writing Exercise: Yes, But; No, And

Learn about the importance of try/fail cycles in building compelling stories and find out if your novel has enough of the right kind of tension to engage readers up until the very last page with this must-do writing exercise.

Writing Exercise: Standing Up

This character building writing exercise will help you figure out what your character believes in while adding some possible points of tension to your narrative.