If setting were a character…

Describe a setting as if it were a character. Approach the description as you would if you were giving your readers some background or physical detail on any other character.

Don’t forget to post your writing prompt response in the comments section below!

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1 Response

  1. Sara Seitz says:

    In her heyday, Belview had known the love of many a man. They came to her seeking riches–the black gold that bubbled below her dirt streets and yellowed fields. After their lust left her hollow and used, she welcomed a different kind of lover, the kind seeking only warmth and comfort. They sat on her shores, soaking in the sun she happily provided. In turn, they warmed her with glowing storefronts and jubilant crowds. These companions fell away at such a gradual pace that the once-prosperous town was in tatters before she even noticed she was all alone.

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