Tagged: Description

High octane sport…

Write a scene about a character competing in a high octane sport—but do it without using any adjectives or simple adverbs.

Think of a popular drink…

For this writing prompt, think of a popular drink and write a character description to match. End the paragraph with the phrase, “His/her/their favorite drink is…”

Describe a scene…

For this image inspiration writing prompt, look at the above photograph and describe the scene in detail. Instead of focusing on what has happened or will happen, spend your energy recasting this image for someone who can’t see it.

Describe a spring morning…

For this writing prompt, write a paragraph describing a spring morning. Tap into as many senses as you can to bring that experience to your reader. (Bonus points if you include taste.)

Describe a storm in two…

Describe a storm in two ways. First, write about it as if you are someone who is absolutely entranced by the beauty of a storm. Next, write about the exact same storm, but filter it through the lens of someone who is terrified of storms.

Why don’t you like…

Write a response to the question, “Why don’t you like mushroom soup?” Dig deep here. Go way past obvious explanations to find an answer that will intrigue, surprise, or otherwise engage your reader.

After 57 years…

After 57 years shackled to the ground thanks to a crippling fear of flying, Kelly Kan gets on a plane headed halfway around the world. Write a scene that captures this epic moment and skillfully reveals what finally motivated the character to take the leap and fly without relying on flashbacks.

Something nostalgic…

Write a scene in which a character encounters something that makes them feel nostalgic. Be sure to include emotive descriptions and specific details to help elicit a similar emotional response in your reader.