Monthly Archive: January 2021

We need to talk…

Write a conversation that begins with the phrase, “We need to talk” and let your character’s personality shine through in how they respond.

I met an elephant…

Take a long moment to look at the photo above. Consider how these two people—a boy and a man riding an elephant—came to occupy the same space at the same time. Then write their stories.

You and your trauma…

Think back to one of the more interesting, traumatic, or unbelievable events in your life. Now write a scene replaying that event. But write it in second person as if the reader is you.

Interview with Nicole Thomas

Nicole Thomas shares with us some of her hard-earned self-publishing lessons, her secrets for landing Amazon reviews, and imparts some sage advice you need to hear.

Outside a small town…

Just outside a small town in the middle of nowhere, an asteroid slams into the ground. The impact isn’t noticed by anyone except our unlikely hero, who descends upon the scene just in time to see a small creature crawl out of the crater. How do they save their town from an alien invasion?

What would you do if…

What would your character do if a train was barreling down the tracks toward five people strapped to the rails? Would they grab the lever next to them and change the trajectory of the track, killing a single innocent person in the process?

What Is World Story Book?

An ambitious writing project meant to unite the world. Find out more about World Story Book, the mind behind it, and how you can become a part of history.

After 57 years…

After 57 years shackled to the ground thanks to a crippling fear of flying, Kelly Kan gets on a plane headed halfway around the world. Write a scene that captures this epic moment and skillfully reveals what finally motivated the character to take the leap and fly without relying on flashbacks.

How to Read to Improve Your Writing

Not everything you read will make you a better writer. By following these five tips and tricks you can use your reading time to improve your craft and get closer to your dreams of becoming a published author.